Hi, James GK, here! Welcome to the Newgrounds page for That Man's on Fire Productions. We are a tiny mixed media production company (primarily consisting of myself and whom ever I can Shanghai at the moment). Our aim is to consistantly provide our audiences with a plethoria of music, games, and cartoons, and, right now we are focusing on the latter.
Until otherwised announced, I will be posting at least one animated short or cartoon every Tuesday, Wedenesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10pm central time. These will most likely be a mixture of Blobby Squisher episodes (a family friendly series inspired by silent era cartoons), **Shrimpz episodes (a slightly more adult comedy series where I really let my potty mouth free)**, and occasional non sequiturs. So stay tooned, tell your friends, and enjoy! Thank you.
**07/20 Due to recent feedback I will be postponing the release of Shrimpz episodes. I didn't anticipate the highly stylized approach of the project to be as poorly recieved as it was. I was mistaken and am sorry. I realize the time and attention of my audience is worth a lot and if my level of effort doesn't convey that, I humby apologize. That being said, I will continue with the plan of 4 updates per week. Though some of them may be work in progress or design based updates while I attempt to develope replacements for my "not good" content ;p Thank you! -James GK